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David M. Ferrell

A New Voice and Vision for CA-34

Congress is broken, and electing the same people again and again will not fix it. We need fresh new voices to work for real solutions to the issues faced by the electorate.


Custom Imaging Coming Soon!

About David

David grew up the youngest of six children in an impoverished family. From an early age he had a strong belief in building a more equitable legal system founded on basic human rights, a government that truly represented "We The People". He joined the US Army out of high school as a paralegal specialist, hoping  to work toward a career to effect change while not burdening himself and his family. During his enlisted career, he gained admittance to to United States Military Academy at West Point, leaving after his sophomore (yuk) year. He ultimately finished his undergrad in history and political science at Savannah State University, an HBCU. David went on to obtain his Juris Doctorate at Southwestern Law School, believing that those who shape the law should have a strong understanding of the law and its history.

Our Vision

David believes that fixing the corrupt and broken government at every level requires incremental changes backed by citizen movements. The Founding Fathers created a system that the citizenry could change and grow with the needs of the populace. It is time to put that system to work

Campaign Finance Reform

#FireCongress - Vote out incumbents that don't support an amendment to end money in politics - At All Levels

The cornerstone to this campaign and, and serious governmental reform, is getting money out of politics. Within the first 100 Days of being elected, David will introduce a comprehensive amendment to remove corporate donations, big money donors, and Super PAC influence. Unlike the toothless provision introduced by the current democratic caucus, this amendment won't merely allow states to regulate campaign finance, but end the the flood of money in the Post-Citizens United political landscape.

Young Activist

A Blended Economy

Balancing Economic Growth And An Empowered and Strong Working Class

We must comprehensively rewrite the tax code to encourage corporations to invest in their workforce and infrastructure. Returning to a Post-WWII blended economy where the middle class flourished, government programs were funded, and corporations invested profits into workers instead of stock buy backs.

Engineer on Tablet

A Legislative Focus on Human Rights At Home

Everyone Deserves The Basic Services Necessary For Survival

David believes that every human being deserves basic housing, nutrition, access to clean water, and standard health care - including comprehensive mental health services. Americans pay more in taxes for these services that any other developed nation with diminishing returns. It's time to put the people's money to work to provide services that address these needs and don't put corporate profits ahead of the people.

Kids Running

A Foreign Policy Focused on Human Dignity And Self Determination

We Must Abandon The Cold War Approach

We must adopt a foreign policy that focuses on the self determination of all peoples. We must no longer rely on the Cold War strategies of political and economic sabotage to advance corporate interests, and instead build bridges, literally and figuratively, to promote global security. We must support the international legal system to encourage international cooperation, economic growth of exploited nations, and to enforce international humanitarian law to prevent genocide and attacks on civilian populations


Get Engaged

Organizing an Event

Your Help is Truly Appreciated

Our work is never done, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by Organizing an Event. Spread the word about all that Ferrell For CA-34 is doing, and help us gain the support we need.

Museum 2


Be Part of Something Great

Currently this is a self-run campaign, with David managing all aspects and his husband filling in as treasurer. Every person helps, from staffers, to campaign management, to canvassing. Reach out and see how you can be a part of the movement.

Making Posters

Want To Know More?

Ask about The Campaign and Policy Positions

David welcomes community feedback, press inquiries, and can expand and clarify any policy positions listed here and beyond. Reach out to the campaign email linked here

Typing on laptop


The current reality is that this attempt to unseat an incumbent requires money.

We are hoping to run a campaign centered around small donors. Every dollar counts. Please consider chipping in.

Donation Boxes
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